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Tel. NIG 234.906.991.3779
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Medical Spa
FAQ + Information
Diolaze Laser Hair Removal
Call to Book Appointment 769-444-5673 MS, 706-509-2345 ATL
Best Laser Hair Removal
Who can get it? Adult ages 21 and over
How many sessions? It varies but expect 4-10 sessions for those with prior treatment (4 sessions) with each session spaced out 6 weeks apart so that hair follicle (root) has enough time to grow and be treated
How does it work? Kills the hair root (follicles). We adapt the power according to your ethnicity and skin tone so safe for all skin types
Does it hurt? Typically, NO but some discomfort could be felt and we have different ways to reduce them
How long does it last? After all the sessions expect to be hair free 1-2 years or longer
Who cannot do the treatment? No treatment directly on top of any skin with tattoos, open wounds, pregnant or breastfeeding patients
Before treatment: Shave the area at least 24 hours before or the day of the treatment. Avoid hair removal cream (Nair), no plucking, waxing, or tweezers because that pulls out the root that we need to treat
MORPHEUS8 (RadioFrequency + Microneedling)
Used to treat skin problems on the face and body like acne, stretch marks, cellulite, loose skin, over sweating, tired appearance, wrinkles and spots. Used to kill stubborn body fat to contour the body.
Who can get it? Any adult from ages 21 years old.
Who can’t get it? Pregnant and breastfeeding women, bleeding problems, active skin infection around the area(except acne), overall poor health, and the presence of a pacemaker.
Does it hurt? Typically NO. Some may feel a bit of discomfort while others don't. We apply numbing cream to the area before treatment.
Before appointment: Consultation is free for information. Stop accutane 6 month before, stop other face peeling creams like salicycic acid, and retinoids 1 week before & after treatment.
After treatment: No makeup for 2 days, apply aquaphor to the treated areas. Zyrtec and Benadryl as needed if itching occurs.
Pricing Information
Morpheus 8 (Radiofrequency + Microneedling) and Diolaze XL Laser Hair Removal
MORPHEUS 8: Look as young as you feel
Full Face
* 1 Treatment $2000
* 3 treatments $4500
Face And Neck:
* 1 Treatment $2400
* 3 Treatments $5500
* 1 Treatment $1300
* 3 Treatments $2400
* 1 Treatment 1 scar $800
* 3 Treatments $2000
Stretch Marks and Cellulite
* 1 Treatment area $ 1300 e.g both arms/both thighs/belly/back
* 3 Treatments of 1 area $3000
* 3 Treatments 2 areas $6000
Hyperhydrosis = Excessive Sweating
* 4 treatment package $3500 spread out over months
Skin Resurfacing portion of Morpheus8. Improves skin texture, glow, brightens skin and treats small/fine lines:
Full Face skin resurfacing
* 1 Treatment $1500
* 3 Treatments $2850
Skin Resurfacing Face + Neck
* 1 Treatment $2600
* 3 Treatments $3600
C. Combination Morpheus8 AND Skin Resurfacing together better results:
Full Face
* 1 Treatment of both $2500
* 3 Treatments of both $3500
Full Face + Neck
* 1 Treatment of both $3000
* 3 Treatments of both $4000
Both knees/back of hands/elbows
* 3 treatment package $4600
Morpheus8 AND Skin Resurfacing larger areas: Abdomen or Back
* 3 treatment $6000
DIOLAZE XL Permanent Laser Hair Removal 4-6 sessions to be done within 12 months
Whole Face (including chin, sideburns/beard, lips) $1000
Whole Face + Whole Neck $1250
Upper and Lower Lips /Chin/Sideburns $500
Neck/Hands $500, Underarms $750
Complete Torso (Including chest, abdomen AND back) $2500
Chest OR Abdomen $1250, Back $1500. Bikini $1000
Brazilian Bikini Front + back (labia/pubis/scrotum/perianal) $1500
Whole Arms $1500 / Whole Legs $1900
Head to Toe (Entire Body) $4400